How to Overcome Laziness and Procrastination

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Laziness and excessive contemplation can be significant obstacles to achieving our goals and living a productive life. Many of us struggle with these challenges, finding ourselves procrastinating, getting lost in unproductive thoughts, or feeling overwhelmed by the tasks we need to accomplish. However, by implementing practical strategies and adopting a positive mindset, we can overcome these obstacles and unlock our full potential. In this article, weโ€™ll explore ten effective techniques to help you conquer laziness and excessive contemplation, with real-life examples to illustrate each point.

Set clear goals

As a researcher, I often struggled with finishing reading research articles from beginning to end. To overcome this, I decided to set clear goals for myself. I wrote down my main objective: to thoroughly read and understand five research articles per week. I then broke this down into smaller tasks, such as dedicating an hour each day to focused reading, taking notes, and summarizing key points.

By having a clear goal and specific steps to achieve it, I felt more motivated and focused, making it easier for me to overcome my laziness in completing my research tasks.

Create a schedule

I had always wanted to wake up early and go to the gym, but I found it challenging to stick to this habit. To combat this, I created a daily schedule. I allocated specific times for waking up, exercising, and getting ready for work. For example, I set my alarm for 6 AM, dedicated 6:30 AM to 7:30 AM for my gym session, and reserved 7:30 AM to 8:30 AM for showering and preparing for the day ahead.

By sticking to this schedule, I was able to prioritize my fitness goals and avoid getting sidetracked by laziness or excuses.

Start small

I often struggled with meeting deadlines, feeling overwhelmed by the magnitude of my tasks. To overcome this, I learned to start small. For example, when faced with a large project, I would begin by breaking it down into smaller, manageable steps. If I had a report due in a week, I would start by outlining the structure, then focus on completing one section at a time. These small, achievable milestones helped me build momentum and made it easier to tackle the larger task.

By focusing on starting small, I was able to break through my initial resistance and make steady progress towards meeting my deadlines.

Use positive self-talk

I had always wanted to eat healthier and avoid junk food, but I often found myself giving in to cravings and negative self-talk. To counter these thoughts, I began practicing positive self-talk. When tempted to indulge in unhealthy snacks, instead of telling myself I had no willpower, I would say, โ€œI choose to nourish my body with wholesome foodsโ€ or โ€œI am capable of making healthy choices.โ€

By replacing negative self-talk with encouraging statements, I was able to shift my mindset and overcome my lazy tendencies when it came to eating well.

Eliminate distractions

I wanted to spend my weekends reading non-academic books, hiking, or traveling, but I often found myself distracted by social media, television, or other unproductive activities. To overcome this, I decided to eliminate these distractions during my free time. I turned off notifications on my phone, kept my TV off, and created a list of activities I wanted to engage in.

By creating a distraction-free environment and having a clear plan, I was able to focus on the hobbies and relaxation techniques I truly wanted to pursue, rather than succumbing to lazy habits.

Photo by Graham Holtshausen on Unsplash

Take breaks

As a researcher, I often found myself feeling mentally drained and unmotivated due to long hours of continuous work. To combat this, I started incorporating regular breaks into my schedule. For example, after every 90 minutes of focused research or writing, I would take a 10-minute break to stretch, walk around the block, or practice a quick breathing exercise.

These breaks helped me recharge, avoid burnout, and maintain my motivation throughout the day, ultimately allowing me to overcome laziness and be more productive in my research endeavors.

Practice mindfulness

I often found myself getting lost in anxious thoughts about the future, leading to procrastination and difficulty focusing on my work. To overcome this, I began practicing mindfulness. When I noticed myself getting caught up in unproductive contemplation, I would take a few deep breaths and focus on the present moment. For example, during a writing session, if my mind started wandering to worries about upcoming deadlines, I would gently redirect my attention back to the task at hand.

By practicing mindfulness, I was able to reduce my anxiety, stay focused on my goals, and overcome the laziness that often arose from excessive contemplation.

Reward yourself

I sometimes struggled with motivation when it came to maintaining my commitment to reading non-academic books and pursuing relaxing activities like hiking or traveling on weekends. To overcome this, I implemented a reward system. For example, after completing a month of consistently dedicating time to these activities, I would treat myself to a new book, hiking gear, or a short weekend getaway.

By giving myself something to look forward to, I found it easier to push through moments of laziness and stick to my goals of engaging in enjoyable and rejuvenating activities outside of work.

Find an accountability partner

I often found myself procrastinating on important personal goals, such as learning a new language or developing a new skill. To overcome this, I reached out to a close friend who had similar interests and asked if they would be willing to be my accountability partner. Each week, we would share our goals and check in with each otherโ€™s progress.

Knowing that someone else was counting on me to follow through helped me stay motivated and overcome my laziness in pursuing personal development.

Develop a growth mindset

I often felt discouraged when I encountered setbacks or difficulties in my research work, leading to periods of laziness and procrastination. To overcome this, I worked on developing a growth mindset. Instead of telling myself I was not cut out for research when faced with a challenging problem, I started viewing these obstacles as opportunities to learn and grow. For example, when encountering a complex statistical analysis, I would remind myself that with practice, effort, and seeking guidance from colleagues, I could master it.

By embracing a growth mindset, I was able to stay motivated, push through moments of self-doubt and laziness, and continue making progress in my research career.

Overcoming laziness and excessive contemplation is a journey that requires effort, patience, and self-awareness. By implementing the ten strategies outlined in this article, you can take control of your productivity and achieve your goals. Remember, everyone struggles with these challenges at times, but by setting clear objectives, creating a supportive environment, and adopting a positive mindset, you can break free from the cycle of procrastination and unproductive thinking. Start small, celebrate your progress, and donโ€™t be afraid to lean on others for support. With persistence and practice, you can develop the habits and mindset necessary to overcome laziness and excessive contemplation, unlocking your full potential and living a more fulfilling life.

Thank you!

